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Fighting For Life

We all recognize the fear and other factors that guide some pregnant mothers toward abortion. With understanding, pro-life (“for life”) folks try to educate, encourage, and point her toward hope, love, help, and healthy guidance as they encourage her to nurture and at least not harm her baby. Why do people who are pro-life fight so hard against abortion? Because abortion, at any point, IS killing an innocent human life. That is not arguable. And it’s a fact that should disturb and shake up everyone. If you understand and admit that life begins at conception, you can better discern what is fueling the people on both sides of the issue. If you don’t believe life begins at conception, then watch the video below to better understand why human life is human life from the very beginning. Let’s dig a little deeper into why abortion supporters continue pushing their agenda. And, by the way, what is their real agenda?
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