Acting It Out

This morning before church, I read to Ava and Landon from the book of Mark about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We talked about it, and then we acted it out for ourselves. We grabbed jackets from the closet and laid them at the front door in imaginary, but sincere, anticipation of Jesus’ arrival. Then we shouted LOUDLY, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! It’s Jesus! We love you, Jesus! Hallelujah!… and so on, as our hearts desired. We truly glorified God this morning. The kids were shouting and jumping a foot higher and I was crying and shouting – If Jesus had truly come riding through our front door, we couldn’t have physically expressed our excitement any more.

Don’t Hesitate

I encourage you in your own home to regularly be demonstrative in your praise to the Lord. Sing and dance to worship music while you are cleaning, act out Scriptures with your children, and don’t hesitate to verbally and physically exalt the Lord in your home! If you are concerned that you may be “pushing God onto your kids,” please read my article “Can There Be Too Much of God in the Home,” to find out what happened when I felt that way.

Praise Comes From Our Heart, Not Our Mood

Not in the mood to shout out praises? You don’t have to feel emotional to start praising God. Praising God is a choice and it is an actual action. You don’t have to feel “a wave of God’s presence” to begin shouting out praise or declaring who He is. He is exalted by the action. The action itself has to come from a decision within yourself to do it, and that decision is based on your relationship with Him to begin with. After all, if the Spirit of God is within you, then your spirit wants to glorify Him. In fact, when you begin to praise God, your physical being can barely contain your praise for Him!

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One comment

  • Conney April 2, 2012  

    Yes! Yes! Yes!