The Children Aren’t the Only Ones Who Are Growing

Talking to the mamas here…

When we entered motherhood, we entered a brand new world of authority and responsibility. In a flash, our little bundles were entrusted to us by God, and we became the ultimate source of health and happiness for our children. From trying to decide if our baby is ready for cereal to figuring out how to discipline them, to potty training, and far beyond, we saw ourselves in that position of authority and importance day in and day out. That position of loving authority is what we’ve thrown our entire being into, and it matters so much to us that we parent and nurture our children as well as possible. So what happens when we don’t feel in control or perfect or even on target?

Because of the responsibility we [rightly] feel, it can be difficult to be gracious with ourselves when we stumble, make mistakes, or just don’t have it all figured out. When we miss the mark or are experiencing a rough patch, it’s easy to beat ourselves up and live in a discouraged state-of-mind. But please don’t. Instead, let’s learn from it, climb out of it, find a Godly friend to pray for us, and keep going with all the grace and love our heavenly Father is giving to us and to our children.

The truth is that while we are older and wiser than our children, we are still learning and growing, too. And while our children need our direction and guidance and discipline, so we also need our heavenly Father’s ongoing attention and leading.

We can rest in the knowledge that we aren’t parenting our children alone. If the Lord is welcome in our hearts and homes, He is guiding, guarding, and loving our children with more understanding and power and love than we can comprehend. So, let’s all keep growing in the Lord!


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