Change Is a Choice

This morning, people from our church gathered together in the church’s front lawn bringing with them wonderful autumn decorations and lots of creativity and brawn to make the outside of the church look gorgeous for the autumn season. They certainly succeeded. Each Autumn, they strive to change their autumn decoration from the masterpiece created the year before, and make it even better.

I have been striving to change, too. Last year’s walk with the Lord was wonderful, but this season, I want it to be even better. For a while, I have been wholesomely thinking and praying, “I want to be more dedicated and sensitive to the Lord.” However, I never made my desire for that change move from my mouth to my mind and hands. Finally, a couple months ago, I came to grips with the fact that the change I was wanting was not going to just fall in my lap or knock me upside the head, because change is a choice.

So, I mustered up some enthusiasm, made a plan, and most importantly, disciplined myself; and God has greatly rewarded the energy and dedication I have put forth to deepen my walk with Him. If you are like I was and want to deepen your walk with God, but you are struggling with disciplining yourself, structuring your alone time with God, or finding encouragement and motivation, don’t give up. Make the choice to change. Just as we are to “pick up our cross daily and follow Christ”, I find that spiritual change is a daily choice. And what a beautiful change it is!


  • Ask someone you trust and respect to be your accountability partner. They will hold you accountable, encourage you, and pray for you.
  • Pick a time (when you’re alert) and place (where you will be undisturbed) for your daily quiet time. Write your quiet time on your schedule for the day just as you would an appointment. It is an appointment with God, and you don’t want to miss it!
  • Make church a top priority in your life. You need them, and they need you. Desire to be with God’s people and in His presence.
  • Write down your spiritual goals for this week, and then go for it.
  • Select a good Bible study, devotional, or book that will teach you. Ask your pastor or a trusted spiritual leader in your life for their recommendations, if you are uncertain where to begin.
  • Keep a notebook with you during your quiet time to jot down thoughts, verses, and anything special the Lord shares with you.
  • Commit yourself to memorizing and applying at least one Bible verse each week.

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One comment

  • Anonymous October 27, 2006  

    Since reading this article I, too, have been striving for change. I’ve been seeking the Lord’s help and trying to be responsive and obedient to His help to enable me to be a more loving wife. Part of accomplishing that is slowly & thoughtfully reading 1 Corinthians 13 everyday. Actually, chapter 12 and the beginning of 14 are also important to helping me see the value of loving people (esp. my husband). One day my husband asked me why I’d been so nice to him lately. To answer him, I read aloud to him what I had been reading daily in 1 Corinthians and told him I’d been asking the Lord to help me. Before I started working on this change I’d had everything in those verses all messed up and turned around as to how I was actually living. Ah, God’s way is so much better than mine. I’m glad God is still willing to help ole stubborn, selfish me make a change.