How Do We Seek God?

This video from my back porch encourages teens, new Christians, and anyone who is hungry for more of God. Unpackage what it means to “seek the Lord with all your heart,” and also hear some stories and practical tips to demonstrate the importance of feeding yourself spiritual food.

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One Creator, One Race, One Mission

Teach, Don’t Assume

We do our best to teach a loving attitude that “Jesus loves the little children of the world.” That’s a great start, but there’s more that our kids need to understand. With evolutionary theory infused into our culture, many caucasian-illustrated Bible Story books, society’s messages, and the term “races” being thrown around, our children may be feeling confused about why we all look different and how that does or doesn’t affect the value of human life. Fortunately, God has explained it in the Bible, and we can explain to our children from the truth of God’s Word rather than society’s opinions. Articulating why we all look different and why that’s cool, is really very simple. If you need a nutshell summary, watch this 7 minute video from Answers in Genesis titled “Why Do We Look Different.” From creation and the Tower of Babel to concentrated genes and current science, we can see that diversity isn’t so complicated.
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Acting Out the Story

One of our books which Ava and I both particularly like, is My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza. The other day, Ava wanted to pretend she was the character Mr. Fox from the book, so we began acting out the story together. I was surprised at how well she knew the book and understood the story line. Obviously, some books are easier to act out than others, but it’s an idea you may want to try sometime with your child(ren).

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