Growing Godly Character –

If you have kids of any age and you want a terrific, thorough, flexible, and free resource to teach them Godly behaviors and character traits, I have a great website for you!

The site is through Focus on the Family – Canada, and it is outstanding! Each of the 19 characteristics has its own .pdf file you can download to your computer and then refer to it that way or go ahead and print it out on your printer. Each characteristic’s download includes suggested prayers, suggested discussions, Bible stories, memory verses, activities and projects, object lessons, and practical suggestions.

We just spent the month of August on the topic of “Respect,” and it was terrific! I took an unorganized approach, and each day I just flipped through the pages and selected what I wanted us to talk about or do that day.

For September’s characteristic I chose “Self-Control.” While we are doing a little each day over a month, you certainly don’t have to do it that way, and it isn’t set up that way. It is set up to make it easy for you to do it your way. Also, because we are talking about building character here, it is age appropriate for anyone and it is easy to adjust it for the age of your child(ren). It really is terrific, and it really is free.


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