Dealing with Emergency/Crisis Times

Emergencies of all kinds happen, so there are all sorts of reasons you may have found yourself suddenly asking, “But what about school?” Whether you have suddenly found yourself at home teaching your children because of medical, financial, or legal reasons, or whether you made a quick gut decision to keep them at home for more personal reasons, you may be finding yourself now overwhelmed and wondering what to do next. Particularly when you haven’t already been considering it, planning for it, and talking about it, homeschooling can be an overwhelming thought, and depending on the time of year, it may be an odd time to be investing in an expensive program, especially if you aren’t confident in your research or situation. I realize there isn’t a blanket answer for everyone, but these suggestions may give you a solid place begin! First off, please know that there is hope and there are amazing resources, and you are going to figure this out. Don’t panic. Pray, think, reach out, and take it one decision at a time…


While you are getting your feet under you, you may want to consider ordering a grade-appropriate BJU’s Vacation Station workbook for each child. This will refresh them at grade level in math, language, and reading. Have your kid(s) work in it daily, read daily, and then take advantage of the many free and fun science and history resources that are available online, as you want to. You probably have a lot on your plate right now, so I suggest you do have something academic and wholesome going on for you kids, but also just enjoy learning and being together. Don’t stress over it. This is an adjustment time, to say the least, so give you and your loved ones grace, patience, and love!

What are Vacation Stations?

These Christian-based workbooks (about $19 each) are part of a full K-12 curriculum from Bob Jones University Press, a well-respected name with accredited programs. Vacation Stations are intended for use during summer vacation to help students grades K-6 retain what they learned the previous year, but they are also great to use as a quick review and refresher of math, language, and reading. The purpose of a Vacation Station workbook is to help with a child with retention, not to teach new material, although it may help you identify gaps.

BJU Vacation Station Workbooks

Free Videos

There are so many free and available opportunities to learn. To get started, here is one list of many free and fun video/interactive websites related to science, history, art, and stories, which you can enjoy.


Do you need some encouragement as a stay-at-home parent?

Full & Supplemental Curricula/Resources

If you are looking into an in-depth academic program for your child, there are a lot of wonderful options out there. Cathy Duffy Reviews is an incredibly helpful place, to get started.

Be Connected

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, as we all do at times, remember that no one knows your children better than you, and even on your worst day, you can love and nurture your children, which is the most important thing. Prioritize time with your family in God’s Word and worship. He is our source of power and wisdom! Please reach out when you need advice, help, recommendations, or a friend. There are so many homeschooling families, teachers, and others who are glad to help and who care.


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