Are You a Smudge Stick?

When I draw with charcoal, I use a smudge stick. It is actually properly called a “tortillion”, but I have always called it a smudge stick. When rubbed on the charcoal, it smudges the black charcoal onto the paper and creates shades of gray. It can be used to fade harsh lines, and it’s great for creating a gradual transition between black and white.
You know, the Bible is full of priciples, morals, facts, and truths, that are simply black and white. They are clean-cut, matter-of-fact, just the way it is. I love knowing right from wrong. It makes life simple and makes decision-making a breeze.
I think it’s sad that we try to smudge the line between black and white to create a comfortable shade of gray in our own lives. We read one of God’s truths in the Bible, but we tell ourselves that it isn’t meant for us. God convicts our heart about something we have been doing but shouldn’t and instead of immediately repenting, we listen to the advice of others. And it goes on. We take God’s “black and white” and we try to smudge it. When we become a smudge stick, at best, we miss out on the good God has for us, and at worst, we find ourselves on a path headed away from God.
I prefer to stick with the simplicity and good that comes from following God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I don’t want to justify anything. I don’t want to try to wrap my mind around the why’s of everything. I don’t want to feel confused and pulled in different directions.
God Has His Reasons

God isn’t trying to confuse His children any more than I am trying to confuse Ava or Landon. God doesn’t tell us on one day that we should watch what we say, and then on the next day tell us that we can shoot our mouths off. I don’t tell Ava that she can jump on the couch on some days and not on other days. She would always be confused, never knowing if she was allowed to jump on the couch or if she would be punished if she jumped on the couch. I am not trying to trick her. I want her to know what she can expect all of the time. She is not to jump on the couch. If she does, she will be punished. It’s for her own good. I don’t want her to get hurt by jumping on the couch. And I also don’t want her to waste her energy trying to figure out if she should try jumping on the couch today or not.

Wisdom Outweighs Reasoning
My wisdom outweighs Ava’s reasoning. “But Mommy, I’m a kangaroo!” is not going to change my mind. She is still not to jump on the couch. “But Mommy, this way I can see up high!” is not going to change my mind either. It’s silly to think that her reasons for wanting to jump on the couch could ever justify her and give her cause to jump on the couch and gain my approval for it. Isn’t it silly to think that we could ever justify ourselves and give ourselves cause to do what we want – nevermind what God says – and gain His approval for it anyway?

When In Doubt… Just Do What’s Right
Fewer things are “gray” than what we like to admit. I can think of TONS of issues, even in the Christian community, that are considered “gray.” I doubt that God sees them as gray. If we seek Him (truly), He will help us see what is black and what is white. If you find yourself turning into a smudge stick on a particular issue/topic, then chances are that you are trying to justify something that is not God’s best for you. Why do you want that? Give it up and do what is best.

My Own Little Smudges
I am a pretty guarded television watcher. I don’t watch just anything. But recently, there was one particular show that I had been watching, that was very entertaining but had some “stuff” in it that was wrong. I was a smudge stick for several weeks. I told myself…

“All the shows have something in them that I disagree with. What makes this show any worse than them.”
“Maybe in the next episode or two, they’ll drop the bad stuff.”
“I have more strength and discernment than the average Joe. I can watch this, know that it is wrong, and know that I won’t become like that.”
“Everyone else, including many other Christians, whom I know personally, watch this show.”

Maybe you can relate. Then one day, I had enough. I made the decision to listen to the Holy Spirit telling me that He didn’t want me watching it, listen to the Bible, which tells us what we should be thinking about (Philippians 4:8), and quit being stupid. That show was adding no value to my life. It was making me more tolerant of and numb to things that were clearly wrong (which only leads to more smudging). And it was actually hindering my walk with the Lord. I was still walking with Him, but how can my relationship with Him not be negatively affected when I am being disobedient? When I turned the show off for the very last time, I felt really good. I felt cleaned off. It felt good to shake off the junk and it felt good to know that I was pleasing the Lord.

Accept the Challenge
“Gray” areas come in all shapes and sizes. The one thing they have in common, is they do not get us any closer to God and they carry with them the great risk of weakening our walk with Him. Walking in the delusional gray is not a healthy or a happy place to be.

Perhaps there is already something in your life that shouldn’t be there or something missing that should be present. God has already shown you what it is through the Bible or laid it on your heart through His Holy Spirit (By the way, the Bible and the Holy Spirit never contradict), but you have been trying to smudge the line. Now is the time to pray and turn it over to the Lord.

If there is not already something in your life that you have been trying to turn into a muddy shade of gray, you may be tempted to do so sometime down the road. Make up your mind today that when that time comes, you won’t hesitate, you won’t try to justify, you won’t try to make it a gray area. Decide now that you will quickly do what God has told you to do. Period.

For Our Good

God’s gave mankind laws and precepts that are for our good. His ways are good and when His ways are followed, we benefit! He is consistent, He’s all-knowing, and He has the wisdom we should be seeking, so following His ways is hands-down, the way to go.
Psalm 119:97-104
Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.
I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.
I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.
I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word.
I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me.
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.

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  • Faith June 10, 2011  

    this is a great post!! I think I'll refer some of my mom friends to it!! Recently I was prompted to stop reading a certain book….it just isn't "sitting right" in my spirit….the topic is excellent (about child abuse in NYC and the high prevalence of it) but it is fiction and it has way too much swearing in it. I am not sure why the author would put so much vulgar language….i decided NOT to read it…now, I don't believe it is a SIN for me to read it but….for my own ethics and conviction area, i had to put it aside… is just too vulgar…..

  • Kimberly June 10, 2011  

    Thanks for sharing that, Faith!