It’s tough. Some parts of life are just difficult. Life is not always a bed of roses – sometimes it just feels like a vast expanse of mud. We all go through hard times and find ourselves feeling like we are the only one. The fact is that we’re not. Sometimes the nature of our situations just leave us quiet – Quiet in our sorrow or fear or hurt or worry or need. And all the other people in our same situation are quiet, too. So it is unsurprising that we often feel alone and closed-off.
For close to a year, my family has been going through a very difficult time which we have been quiet about. We are quiet for many reasons, which we feel are good reasons. The downside is that by being quiet, we have shut ourselves off from people who are going through the exact same thing. Sometimes it would be nice to just be reminded that we are not alone.
While I don’t plan on opening up any time soon about all my feelings in regards to the situation my family is currently in, I do recognize that we are not alone. Not only are there other people with our problem, there are other people like me with our problem, and if I could call a conference for all the people who are currently walking in my shoes, there wouldn’t be a facility capable of holding all the attendees.
Although I won’t get to have a pow-wow with all the wives and mothers who are dealing with my situation in their own homes, I can know that I am certainly not walking alone. My heavenly Father not only knows about my problems, but He walks through them with me, and gives me daily strength, encouragement, and wisdom to make it through. He understands every complex feeling and thought and He knows our every need. Talking about how God cares for us is not just a sweet thought intended to make people feel better. The love of God and the presence of God is a powerful truth that changes situations, that lights up the dark, that feeds the hungry soul, that turns sadness into joy. His power and His goodness supercede all that our minds are humanly capable of. When I begin thinking about who God is and all that He has done for me (Praise the Lord!), I cannot help but feel hopeful and free knowing that my God who claims me as His own is taking care of me.