A Great Resolution Anytime

Keep Reading
I think reading in the Bible everyday for the purpose of reading it in its entirety is a wonderful New Year’s resolution, but I also think it is important that your resolution be to begin and continue reading the Bible throughout this year. Don’t make your resolution to necessarily read the entire Bible in one year. The important thing is not the amount of time it takes you to read the Bible so you can check it off your list of accomplishments, but it is to read the Bible in its entirety so you can gain from it all that the Lord has for you. So, while it’s good to have a daily reading plan to keep you on course, don’t give up if you miss a couple days and can’t catch up. Be encouraged to keep reading. Keep studying. Keep taking in the Word of God.
Track Your Reading
You can find many different Bible Reading Plans online and there may be one in the back of your Bible. Here is a website where you can take a look at three different plans you can download and print: Discipleship Journal.
Be Effective
Here are some simple tips that make a big difference…..
- Keep a notebook and pen beside your Bible, so you can write down verses that mean something particularly special to you. You will be glad you did. Writing it down means that it will stick in your mind better, and you will also be able to refer back to it later.
- Pray before you begin reading and ask God to open your heart and mind to Him as you read, so you may gain as much as possible, as correctly as possible from His Word. Also pray that God will help you put into practice the truths that you learn.
- Read where you will be the least distracted, so your reading will be effective.
Every book of the Bible has been written by God for our benefit, so let’s read! If you know of a particular reading plan that you like or a tip for studying the Bible that you would like to pass along, please leave a comment and share it with us!