Boo-boo Kit from a Travel Wipes Container

Here’s one way we have found to re-use an empty travel wipes case… I added some band-aids, neosporine, burn ointment, and cleansing cloths to create a great little first aid kit! It’s easy to toss in my bag, the back of the car, or the glove compartment, so we are always ready for those surprise boo-boos.

There are many other great ideas for reusing these containers! My friend, Magen, suggested creating an on-the-go Art Kit filled with construction paper, index cards, stickers, and a few crayons. And if you have a little one just loves pulling out wipes, turn this empty container into a Play Wipes Container by filling it with cut up scrap fabrics which can be pulled out to their heart’s content. Thank you to for featuring this post.

If you have another idea, please add it to the comments below!

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