Homeschool Day Progress Tracker


SKU: progress Category:


This progress tracker is a super simple and helpful planning/scheduling tool to help motivate your child during their school day (or chores). Fill in the left column with scheduled subjects and activities, so your kids will know your expectations for the day and the week. Giving your child the plan is like giving them goals to strive for and achieve. I have found that my kids are more motivated during the school day when they can see their progress and feel that they can see the end in sight. You may choose to add times. When a task is completed, my kids put on a sticker or color in the box. I only plan a week at a time, because it’s just enough to keep me accountable and allow me to adjust if needed without frustration. At the end of the week, I print the chart again for each child and I get busy planning.

> My full post about how we use this chart

> A fun way we track daily progress for younger children.



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