You Are Accomplishing Much More Than You Think!

While being a stay-at-home mom has its own kind of freedom, which I value and enjoy, it is also a position that completely exhausts my mind and body. Why is it that I had more energy after an 8-hour day at the office than I now have at home by lunchtime? Part of it is because it takes a huge amount of mental energy to hear all those voices all over the house all day long, while still tuning in to what they are saying and processing how you can appropriately respond or solve the problem at hand. Part of it is because running on three bites of cold dinner isn’t exactly a balanced diet, and part of it is that the weekend is no more relaxing than the middle of the week. Most of it, though, is because loving the people in our lives requires more continuous pouring out of ourselves and all our resources than making money at any job. To put it simply:

We have a lot of heart and a lot of hope that we are gladly and lovingly handing out by the bucket loads all day, every day.

Whether you are with your children all day, as I am, or you don’t see them until the evening most days, we all sometimes need a fresh reminder that we have the overwhelmingly amazing blessing of caring for the precious people in our life. And when I can see past the dirty laundry and deep scratches on my pretty dining room table and focus instead on the people whom I am serving, then I have begun the more important journey of ministering to my family. Investing in them. Cherishing them. Lifting them to the Lord in prayer, and inviting His presence into our home through praise.


On those super tough days when it’s still too overwhelming, and you’re like me and maybe feeling under-appreciated, remember that we are part of something bigger than ourselves. We are even part of something bigger than our home. We are part of the body of Christ, and His kingdom. Our Lord sees our efforts, knows our hearts, hears our prayers, and is protecting our homes as we continually seek Him and teach our families to do the same. And His blessing is on His children! Be encouraged… As if it weren’t already enough, we aren’t “only” keeping house, overseeing education, paying bills, and running errands – We are accomplishing so much more.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord – not for men; since you know it is the Lord Christ you are serving.” – Colossians 3:23


Seeking God During the Busy Seasons

Seeking God During the Busy Seasons

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Because life throws us surprises, opportunities, and hurdles (some desired, others unwanted), demanding circumstances can often catapult us into busy seasons in which we feel overwhelmed and unable to come up for air. If you love the Lord and enjoy studying the Bible, worshiping Him, and making time to dwell in His presence, as I trust that you do, then I believe I can also safely assume that you have experienced times of overwhelm – Times in your life when you didn’t have the time or the energy or the ability to give quiet, focused time to daily prayer and study. And you may be experiencing a time like that right now.

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Time is a Gift

A reminder to love well… 

Time is a gift, given by God

Not to be squandered or lost but enjoyed.

Enjoy it in earnest, with purpose and intent

Because you can’t purchase more

When it all has been spent.

 Kimberly Farmer 

The Children Aren’t the Only Ones Who Are Growing

Talking to the mamas here…

When we entered motherhood, we entered a brand new world of authority and responsibility. In a flash, our little bundles were entrusted to us by God, and we became the ultimate source of health and happiness for our children. From trying to decide if our baby is ready for cereal to figuring out how to discipline them, to potty training, and far beyond, we saw ourselves in that position of authority and importance day in and day out. That position of loving authority is what we’ve thrown our entire being into, and it matters so much to us that we parent and nurture our children as well as possible. So what happens when we don’t feel in control or perfect or even on target?

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